Sunday 11 January 2015

Opening Sequence - Target Audience


Our film is aimed at people aged 15-24. This is because our characters are students and young adults. We intend to make the film relatable, therefore our target audience is people that are at student/young adult age.


The target gender for our film is females. This is because we are making a very conventional romance film and romance films are conventionally targeted towards females. Females also watch romance films more than males.

Social Demographic

The social demographics we will be targeting are E, D, and C2. The characters are only young adult students, so they will not have high incomes and only part time jobs if they have them at all. They are supposed to be relatable, therefore the target audience is people of a similar social demographic.


The occupation we are aiming for are people that are students in sixth form, college, or university, but it could also apply to part time workers. This is because our main characters are in university and have part time jobs. The aim of our film is to have the audience relate to our characters, therefore our target audience is similar to them.


Our film is aimed at two rough types of personalities. First is people that are rather shy or reserved, but kind and reliable. The other are people that are outgoing and confident, but also generous. This is because of the personalities of our characters.

Media Grouping

Our target audience would be people that likely enjoy feel-good, light-hearted, and/or romance films, such as Love Actually, Bridget Jones' Diary, or The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

Uses and Gratifications

The Uses and Gratifications theory suggests that a text must gratify an audience's needs in a variety of potential ways. These include entertainment, education, escape, social interaction, and opportunities for identification. Our film would offer entertainment, escape, and opportunities for identification. The main purpose of our film is entertainment. We would offer this through the story line. We intend to make it a light-hearted film that the audience will find enjoyable. The film will also offer escape because it's an idealistic situation and also through its enjoyability. The audience may also be able to identify with our characters. We have tried to make our characters relatable to do this.

Utopian Theory

In Richard Dyer's Utopian Solutions theory, he suggests that audiences often have various problems in their lives and they will be more attracted to media texts that offer them solutions to these problems. We intend to offer solutions to boredom and loneliness. This is because we will make the film enjoyable to watch and give opportunities to live vicariously through the characters as they find love.

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