Friday 12 December 2014

Filming Plan (Saturday 13th December)

Tomorrow (Saturday 13th December) we're going into London to film for our coursework task. We're aiming to film most of the shots we need and to spend the whole day filming. Here is a rough list of the shots we want to get:
  • Establishing shots of London: London Eye, London Bridge, the Shard, the River Thames, and more.
  • Walking down the street.
  • Male bumping into people and dropping things (such as folders) and over-apologising.
  • Female weaving through crowds.
  • Female being generous or charitable.
  • Both sitting by the window on the train.
  • Shots in a library of male studying and female browsing.
  • Characters almost meeting in a coffee shop.
  • Characters using travel cards.
We need to remember to get a wide variety of shots, such as still and panning shots of London, close-ups as well as wide shots, and lots of different angles. My main concern about tomorrow is not getting enough filming done or the shots not being good enough. It's very important that we get a lot done.

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